Intuitive eating and body image Testimonials

Don't Take My Word For It. Read My Client's Stories.

It is an absolute gift to be a part of my client’s journey and to witness their transformations. This is why I do what I do đź’›

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"Truly, I think I would still be sitting in my pile of frustration and insanity if it wasn’t for Ardelle teaching me how to find my intuition underneath the many layers of crap I had been fed (and believed) for the past 48 of my 55 years of living. It feels like the last piece of the puzzle has found it’s place. Amen"

I have read many books on how to lose weight, on how to live my best life by losing that last 10lbs, on compulsive eating, on how to heal myself so I would stop eating….blah blah blah. How could I believe that folding my towels and sheets perfectly would satisfy me emotionally to the point that I would lose weight? I wish I could say it worked but it didn’t. What it did do was carve out another layer of the well grooved path in my brain that sincerely, heart fully and earnestly BELIEVED that I would be all that and more if I was thin. Then….I met Ardelle.

By the time I met Ardelle I was beyond frustrated that despite my best attempt to heal from my destructive relationship with my weight I was on a repeat cycle (what’s the definition of insanity?). I was so ready for change and she was so ready to guide me to the starting gate. I believe the nickel dropped by the 2nd meeting when using the thought downloads formula that she coached me on I discovered how horrible I was to myself. I used words and thought thoughts that were destructive to the most important relationship in my life…ME. The sadness, the grief and disbelief ran very deep and I really had to challenge myself to feel it and refine it. Ardelle was with me every step, holding my hand virtually, challenging me but always giving me room to decide my next step. She taught me how to go back in time to see how my thinking, that became my beliefs by which I lived my life, were formed very early and I needed to challenge them, make peace and let go. Truly, I think I would still be sitting in my pile of frustration and insanity if it wasn’t for Ardelle teaching me how to find my intuition underneath the many layers of crap I had been fed (and believed) for the past 48 of my 55 years of living. It feels like the last piece of the puzzle has found its place. Amen

"These are just a few things we worked on that self coaching has helped me tremendously. I can now recognize when negative self talk is creeping in and I can coach myself back to the truth and reality. My experience was very positive and I loved the outcome."

I contacted Ardelle after reading the Intuitive Eating book and still felt like I needed some help implementing what intuitive eating was and how to do it.  I thought all my food rules for healthy eating were supposed to make me feel healthy mentally, emotionally and physically but as I continued to restrict foods and food groups I was feeling horrible.  Not only physically but more mentally and emotionally.  I would eat clean or what I thought was clean for days and then all hell would break loose and I’d find myself binge eating and sometimes purging because I felt physically sick. Mentally I’d tell myself how I failed. And boy did that bring on the shame and negative self talk.

I learned how all my food rules caused the binge eating.  Which in turn caused the negative self talk and disappointment in myself.  We worked through the food rules, mind you with baby steps because my mind was still telling me carbs were bad and weight loss would never happen if I didn’t restrict carbs.  I have always been the type of person with the ALL OR NOTHING mindset. I go hard or I don’t go at all. I told myself I had to present to others that I had ALL my shit together even when I didn’t. Ardelle helped me realize it’s ok to be in the grey area or not to think I have to be perfect.  I’m aware that no one is perfect, but I sure held myself to a higher standard than I expected from others.   

People pleasing was another big one for me as well. I was raised by a mother (and generation) that made me feel guilty if I didn’t do what was expected of me or how she/they wanted me to be. When I’d push back I was called the trouble maker or black sheep. For many years/decades I’d try to make everyone happy but myself. Telling myself I’ll never be good enough for anyone including myself. Learning that I don’t have to be that person any longer and that I AM ENOUGH is a BIG WIN for me.   

These are just a few things we worked on that self coaching has helped me tremendously.  I can now recognize when negative self talk is creeping in and I can coach myself back to the truth and reality.  

My experience was very positive and I loved the outcome.  But I am a true believer that you have to put in the work.  It wasn’t easy at times and I had my moments of self doubt.  Not because I didn’t believe in Ardelle, but because I had to break free of all the rules whether food, body image, clothes size, etc.  I had to break free of the negative self talk and learn to coach myself so I could continue making progress once my sessions were over.

If you’re thinking about working with Ardelle, I highly recommend investing in yourself!

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"Recognizing that I do have worth in the world even if I don’t fit the “typical mold” of what women should look like. If I’m comfortable with myself, others will be too. That’s a great lesson to take forth. It also gives me a sense of power in my advocacy for myself and what I need."

From joining the program I have a better relationship with food. I have a better relationship with myself! I feel better in my body and feel like I can listen to its cues and messages both when it comes to my weight and my health. I discovered some things about myself… There were things I didn’t know I was holding on to that ultimately played a part in how I felt and supported me in my emotional eating. I learned new ways to view food, myself, and learned to let things go. It’s a weird process of grief and sadness but also joy and just feeling better about yourself. 

"I am now more accepting of my body and developed a positive mindset with food."

If you are ready to leave the restrictive type diets and reflect and learn how to build a positive relationship with food, then spend some time with Ardelle. This program is built on a different idea than the common method of a prescribed diet with restrictions. It is important to spend time understanding your beliefs about food, exercise and body image. Only then can you become more accepting of yourself and know that your body is a smart entity that can identify when it is hungry. Food is not bad or good. It is meant to nourish your body and give you energy. You just need to listen to your body to know if you are hungry. Ardelle will help you work through this.

Much time is spent on self-reflection and over time one’s values and judgments about food and weight loss are challenged. Over time, I learned to trust that my body is aware of when I am hungry or full and that exercise is important to add to my daily life. This program also helped me to reduce my high expectations of meal planning and the need to make everything from scratch.

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"I had a blast this summer eating DQ ice cream, hosting bbq's and hot tub parties, without obsessing about my weight!"

Your coaching has helped me be happy being me! Not only do I have a better relationship with food but I’ve also learned to create boundaries for myself. I’m no longer self-conscious when it comes to asking for help.

Let's Do This

Ready to feel confident and healthy without body and food fixation?​

Health and confidence shouldn’t feel like a full time job or like no matter what you do it’ll never be enough. It also doesn’t require you to change the shape of your body.